Furniture Makes The Room :: Pre Order



chronicle pre launch photo

chronicle pre launch photo

Hello All!Things have been a whirlwind around here, and I plan to do some more journaling over the next few weeks to catch everyone here in this space up on what has been happening with Knack.......BUT, today is exactly one month from the launch of my new book Furniture Makes the Room!! Can you believe it? I can hardly believe that the time is finally here, and I get to share this work with all of you! I can't wait for you all to see the projects and homes in this book, and feel like it is truly the book that has always been inside of me!So, we are introducing a special pre order campaign today, and those of you who pre order lickity split get a special treat!Here are the details:1. Order Furniture Makes the Room from online retailers (links below) and then fill out the form here with receipt info and mailing address.2. Pre-order Incentive:  You will receive a roll of wave FrogTape® and a bag of milk paint!3. Fulfillment: Pre-order incentive will come separately from the book. Chronicle Books will send out a special package to all of the people who have completed the form. So, basically it will be a happy mail day for you guys! Yay!So, click your heels and  head on over to Amazon, Chronicle, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Bound to pre order your copy and get in on the special gift we have for you!Thank you to Chronicle Books, FrogTape®, and Old Fashioned Milk Paint for sponsoring this pre order goodness!

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Introductions Introductions

testing 123....hello?

bookupdate2book update15 projects, full page bleeds, real people's homes, lots and lots of gorgeous photographs by Paige French, and writings about home and what shaped and influenced my design ideas.I am so very excited about my new book "Furniture Makes the Room" which comes out this Spring!Are you ready?xo,Barb 

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Etcetera Etcetera

News from the week || Friday

bookprocess1 bookprocess2 bookprocess3 bookprocess4 bookprocess5It has been a busy, busy week. Lots of planning, sketching, painting, photographing, meetings, consultations, and inventory purchasing.........but I was just telling my husband, that I have come to realize I enjoy big projects. When I say "big projects" I am mainly referring to the book....since it is huge, and all encompassing at the moment.....but I get so inspired and feel so creative when producing content for the books. So much time and thought goes into projects, and I am pushed creatively to produce things that are fresh and new.....and that, to just plain old fashioned fun. There are times where I am scared, and tired, and frustrated as well......but usually a good cup of chai, a hot bath, and a good nights sleep have me ready to hit it hard again the next day.I am truly excited to complete this book. There is so much goodness to share...with lots of color palettes....shooting on location in homes.....styling.....and water color sketches. I look forward to the reward at the end of the's going to be so great!I am pleased to introduce you to my team for book two:Paige French is the photographer for the entire book two project, and is responsible for all of the behind the scenes shots featured in this post. Check out her's absolutely gorgeous!Jessica Barley of A Darling Day is assisting me with styling , props, and site planning for the on location styled shoots......and Julie Dodds of Willow Florals is in charge of all floral styling for the entire project.So....can you see why I am excited? These girls are great at what they do and I am thrilled to be working with such a talented team.Have a great weekend...and enjoy Spring Break!xo,Barb

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Decorate with Flowers || A Book Review

7a6c9c30bd1bb0beb2294ce8cc2c74b2 photo 1(1) photo 2(1) flowers1 flowers2It comes as absolutely no surprise to those who know me well.... "I LOVE FRESH FLOWERS!" {yes, I am yelling that as I type it} To me, flowers make all the difference in the world. They add color, freshness, beauty, green..... life to every photo, room, or nook and cranny they are placed in. There is simply nothing better....So, when my friend Holly Becker and stylist Leslie Shewring teamed up to produce their new book "Decorate with Flowers"...published by Chronicle Books.....I knew I would be first in line to add it to my collection. I also happen to love having beautiful books in my home, that not only make my book shelves and coffee tables look fantastic, but that I can go to over and over for inspiration and relaxation.As I initially flipped through the book {because I was too excited to sit down and read it} I was drawn to all of the beautiful color, perfectly styled environments, and bright photos. Then, when I got home and actually sat down to spend time pouring over the book....I was absolutely thrilled that Decorate with Flowers is not only pretty styled photographs and beautiful is also FULL of tutorials and sweet DIY projects! Double goodness indeed.I was so inspired by all of the projects in this book, that I went out and bought a bunch of succulents and flowers to plant at the shop. Gracie and I spent a whole afternoon planting and creating with flowers....and now the shop is brimming with beautiful Spring arrangements.Thank you, Holly and Leslie....for a book that is beautiful and inspiring!Well done!xo,Barb 

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Found Goodness

On Monday I found this goodness in my mailbox! "What goodness is this" you ask? Well..... for the last two days I have been working on editing the galleys for my book! It has been quite a mind blowing experience to flip actual paper pages and gaze at the complete manuscript in print for the very first time. My edits are now complete, so back to San Francisco they go today!Next step.....Cover design!....oh. my. dear. goodness.xo,Barb

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  I have been waiting for this day, and it is finally here! I now have the green light to let you all in on a few of the Knack book details! Woo hoo!
First of all, I am very happy to announce that the Knack book will be published by Chronicle Books! It is not only a huge dream come true to even be writing a book in the first place, but the fact that my favorite publisher will be handling it all is just thrilling for me. I am so honored to be working with Chronicle, and have learned so much through this fantastic process.
Second, the book will be about furniture...{surprise, surprise!}....lots and lots of furniture with plenty of beautiful photographs. Chronicle produces beautiful books, and I am super excited that a Knack book will be added to that list very soon.
Thirdly, the Knack book will release in Spring 2013!! The manuscript is complete, the photos will be complete in a couple weeks, and very soon I will start seeing layout and design for the book! It has been a lot of hard work.... overwhelming at all huge projects can be......but it is all coming together beautifully, and I am so thankful!
 Thank you to each and every one of you for your support of Knack, and for the time you take every week to leave encouragement and love for me! Thank you, thank you! .......and get ready for the goodness, because I have been working really hard to create something very special. 
I will be posting a few behind the scenes photos in a little bit.....and from here on out! Woot!

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