Introducing :: The Night Within Us Leaving Stars

blogpost9 blogpost8 blogpost7 blogpost6 blogpost3 blogpost2 blogpost1Where to even begin with how I came up with the name for this collection, why I decided on all blacks (well, in all honesty....I have been wanting to do an all black collection for a while now, so that was the easy part), and how meaningful "The Night Within Us Leaving Stars" really is to me.I will be writing a full blog post this week about some big changes that are ahead for Knack. All of them are so, so good....but getting here was not always a good feeling. There were days that there were tears, and days where anger and fear threatened to creep in and overtake....but even more powerful than the darkness was this deep underlying peace. A voice that, find joy, step back, be confident....because the plans I have for you are not to harm you , but to prosper bring you hope....and an even brighter future! (paraphrase of Jeremiah 29:11)So, needless to say, seeing the light midst the dark was very weighty and heavy on my mind and the inspiration seemed to flow forward out of me with both pain and joy. The mighty ocean waves that I chose for the wallpapered sideboard are no coincidence....but a purposeful reminder of the very fact that when we feel tossed about and pushed under... there is also beauty in the waves that toss us about....and we can let them toss us...or we can let them lull us to peace.More soon.......xo


good vibes and collaborations :: fresh bib


I love Target :: beautiful things