winter wonderland....
For those of you that asked about the trees in my window... I thought I would give you the deets on them...
This year several of the artists in the district got together and decided to do white paper trees in all of the studio make them look pretty, and to impress all of the high rollers {from the city of Greenville- we need those grants and city funds!} coming to look at our little arts community!.....we each were given a roll of white paper, and some basic instructions to go by....
I was terrified of doing these trees because it is waaaay out of my comfort zone! Thankfully, my pal lily needed some help getting hers done too {strength in numbers!} so we combined skills.....she drew the trees like a pro, and I wielded a razor blade like a pro....and we came up with these....I love creative collaborations!
....The window looks so great lit up at night with these massive white trees...I think I'll want to leave them up all year round....:)