The Faces of Knack
I have been meaning to introduce you to all of these sweet girls for a while now.....and finally got all of them together for picture time this past weekend! But first...a little history of why........In January 2013, since my new location was set up perfectly for both a working studio and a retail shop, I decided to set up shop and pursue "regular hours". I am at the shop working on furniture every day of the I figured "why not be open while I am there working anyway?". My studio and retail shop are located in the Village of West Greenville.... which also houses our arts district. I have friends with shops and studios located right next door, up on the corner, + down the block. West Greenville is a fantastic community of artists, creative business owners, and entrepreneurs. Our community is an up and coming shopping, event venue, music + eating destination, that over the past 6 months has gotten TONS of press and exposure....not to mention a new name and brand. Like most arts districts, some shops and studios are open by appointment only, some are open only for gallery events, and then some do have regular posted hours. Those of us who are geared more toward retail decided that we wanted to come together, in order to grow our area, increase foot traffic, and keep regular hours . So, with that said....I decided to not only have set hours during the week, but to also keep Saturday hours at the shop as well. I have always treasured the weekends with my family, and knew that the decision to keep Saturday hours would require a step of faith on my part...and a step of growth as well. In order to have the shop open on Saturdays...I would need to hire help.I began to think about who I would like to work at the shop....and what this next step for Knack looked like. It was a scary step to fill out those W-4 forms, come up with an employee handbook, + give someone keys to open up and run the shop.......but it was also very exciting and has been very rewarding. I can't even begin to tell you how the pieces of this puzzle fell into place so beautifully...again. It is absolutely the work of my Creator, and I am so thankful for the beautiful and sweet girls that I have the privilege to work alongside.So, without further are the special gals I am privileged to partner with every week. Angie, and Jeanne run the shop on Saturdays, and Kirsten and Sarah are the Knack "Funterns" this semester. {we don't like the word intern around here!}
Stop in the shop, introduce yourself, and get to know these fantastic gals who make up the Knack team!xo,Barb