the eyes are the window to the soul :: learn to see

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I ran across this quote recently and thought it was so good. It is so cool to have people in our lives who can see and hear beyond our words. People who see that the light has gone out of our eyes, people who can hear the difference between what we are saying and what we really want to say.It is also really cool to be THAT person. To be the person who can see and hear when those you love need extra hugs, words of affirmation, extra time, permission to be sad, a bag of groceries, a cup of coffee.......the truth spoken in love.....the days are fleeting, and only what we invest in others will truly last. Take the time to truly see hear them...and to love them.xo,Barb

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patience in anger :: peace and deep breaths

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The older I get, the more and more I realize how true .....and ultimately peaceful this concept is. When I am really riled up, I can tend to be a hot head and I definitely speak my mind! What is in my mind ....should not always come out immediately though.

As I deal with frustrating situations with my children or spouse, weird people, unfairness, irresponsibility on my part as well as others, loss, change....or whatever it is....I am learning that it is totally ok to say "I need a moment" or "I need to go work for a bit until this anger subsides".

If I compare the two instances side by side, I always regret the heat of the moment things that are said.....but when I have taken time to step back, think, pray, and try to understand the situation it always ends in a completely different way.....and in a way that I am much more peaceful about.

Take that moment.



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work to do

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This is going to be a raw and real moment between you and I.I am known for speaking my mind, for being passionate, for taking risks, for not holding anything back....and all of these things are good and have their place....but like I have always told myself and others....strengths are also weaknesses....and we need to learn to exercise the strength side more than the weakness side.This quote literally hit me in the depths of my soul. What if my words were tattooed all over my body? Would I be a thing of beauty to look upon? Or would I want to hide from others.... to cover every inch of my skin with layers of clothing because my words are so putrid and ugly?I am striving (boy am I striving) to let my words always be seasoned with power, love, and intentionality.....but there are many days where I utterly fail. Thank goodness for grace and the fact that my words are not permanently engraved upon my skin.I've got work to do.xo,Barb

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peace :: priorities

76a422dc5d0cf1f2b9dfa3bd8deb89d5If I have seen and learned this once...I have seen and learned it a million times. The constant fight to keep what is real, pure, everlasting, and significant before and above the superficial, fake, dust to ashes, status quo.Culture tells us to rage, primp, plump, add, take away, live for the moment, fit in, stand for nothing, fall for everything....and I for one will fight against all of that until the day I die.Give me peace like a river that floods my soul..... any day.{image via pinterest here}xo,Barb

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it's thanksgiving :: sweet and bitter

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Thanksgiving is my favorite day of all holidays.....and how amazing is it to actually have a day set aside to think about what we have to be thankful for and the many many good things that we have.Let's be thankful, joyful and matter what.Trust sooner, and rest in the knowledge that "what is for you will not pass you by".Happy Thanksgiving!xo

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