Oh Those Cali Girls!!
First off, let me just say how excited I am about all the new people I am meeting and the very sweet people at that!! Last week I got an email from Amanda who lives in Redding California!! All I will tell you about the email was it was a HUGE shot in the arm for me and made my day:) THEN she sends me photos of her work and I was flippin out!! You see we both do furniture re- surfacing, and her work is SUPER GREAT!!!
A little about the artist....... I'm 29 and have been painting seriously for just under a year. I have been married 10 years and have two great kids, 7 and 5. My work goes to four boutiques currently, however, I also do alot of re-design on individual's pieces. The age old "I have a dresser from my grandmother....it has sentimental value but it's ugly and I don't want to mess it up.) This work has an hourly rate and is a bit more pressure because I also don't want to "mess it up"! I feel best in my "workshop". I will set up a myspace under "amuse designs" with more photos. In the meantime, I can be reached at amandasinyard@gmail.com.
I told Amanda based on her comments that we are totally "on the same page" when it comes to commission pieces!! Love them, but they make ya nervous!! Painting in the workshop/ studio is where it is easiest !! I have enjoyed emailing back and forth with this California girl, and not only that, but a Northern Cali girl!! Woo Hoo!! I am meeting so many creative moms !! I also love the fact that as Sylvie put it so eloquently Amanda is taking pieces that "have hung up their dancing shoes" and giving them new purpose!! Way to go!! I'm working on her to set up a blog..... How's that comin' Amanda? We are all dying to keep up with you daily and see all your new work!!:) Hope you all have a great Tuesday!!