Introductions: Lovely and low....a lady named Chelo

I have had the privilege of purchasing and performing makeovers on two of these little low chests, and I absolutely love them! This piece is low and short to the ground with the tiniest little feet....but the hidden beauty of this piece is that it is very deep and full of storage! This piece is the perfect alternative to those cheap tv stands you find in the big box stores. I find that a flat screen tv works perfectly on top of this type of piece.This piece could also be great in a mudroom, at the end of the bed, in the playroom,'s all good. The color is nice and neutral so that it will fit in anywhere you decide to put it.This is a custom milk paint color with four coats of polyurethane over the top for a nice polished finish. The knobs are a faceted blue and orange floral ceramic knob and the paper that lines the drawers......well, it is metallic gold snakeskin. So glamorous.... and the perfect juxtaposition for this eclectic piece."Chelo" is  was available in the Knack shop as well as the Etsy shop....but was purchased and taken to her forever home on Saturday! Woot!xo,Barb


FYI: Love is in the air


Etcetera: It's going to be a glorious weekend