
Callooh Callay, oh frabjous day...I'm totally chortling today! I love January for its fresh starts and crisp new calendar pages just waiting to be filled with .....whatever! I hope that each one of you is ready to have a great year! I know I'm in with both feet....

...and what better way to start the new year than with a brand spankin' new product! I have actually used this product already on a couple custom pieces, and it is so great! Super easy to apply, and beautiful results.
I have not used the spray version pictured above, but rather the can version that I applied with a brush. The guys at my local Sherwin Williams store gave me the skinny, and this product is so new I had a hard time finding a picture of it in the can form. Oh well, just look for the Minwax oil modified polyurethane. It is the durability of an oil finish with soap and water cleanup! Hello, my hybrid friend!

So, for all of my painting pals out there, you may want to head out to purchase this new treat and enjoy the polished look it will give your masterpieces! I do hope they come up with a matte version soon, but for now I am just tickled with this new invention!



happy, happy....goody, goody...