intelligence, confidence, beauty:: quotes

image via pinterest

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately... and one of them is this very thing. Where is the balance between confidence and ego, and what do both even look like? Sometimes confidence looks like stepping back and letting someone else do what you could do, but they are better at it. Sometimes confidence looks like being still and not needing to say a word. Confidence is patience. Confidence is complete trust. Confidence is humble. Confidence is beautiful.Ego on the other hand looks a bit different. Ego shouts for all the attention even if you were not responsible for what brought that attention. Ego is demanding. Ego is impatience and false urgency. Ego is often not based on truth but rather perceived "truth". Ego is extremely defensive and seeks justice. Ego is prideful and ugly.I want confidence. And, I not only want the characteristics of confidence in my own life...but I want to instill confidence in others as well. Confidence is greater than ego.


mid week :: winter gardens, fall leaves, and zombies


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