Inroductions- How 'bout a little gray with that coffee table
This sweet coffee table is the product of another collaboration between Knack and Lindsay Carmody Interiors! I think you all will remember the previous table and chairs project here.......but regardless, it was great to work with Lindsay again and get to paint with more luscious gray paint!I thought this piece was going to be a stinker to paint with all of the caning and the double layer shelf, but indeed the actual painting was not the issue.....rather the paint I was given {no
names brands in order to protect the innocent....but if you follow Knack on Facebook you may be able to figure it out! hah!} that caused me some rather sweaty moments! I was determined to figure this "sitch" out, and so I pushed up my sleeves and put on my thinking cap! You know what?.....just like with everything hard in life and work... the end result was even more rewarding because of the problem solving, blood, sweat and tears that went into it. Persevere my friends! Never give up! I am so thrilled with the finish on this piece.Also, with this specific client there was a bit of concern about the extra wear and tear that this table had already experienced before painting, and would continue to experience in the future due to some very attentive and loving little ones in the home {sigh......I remember those days!} and so, I completed the painting and the staining in the studio and then, as an added precaution I subcontracted out a high intensity spray finish for the entire piece. I's dotted, T's crossed.It is smooth like butter, baby.Happy Monday folks! Welcome to a new week! xo,Barb