I have a confession to make.....
.....or maybe it is more of an announcement......but either way...here goes!I have loved and used Old Fashioned Milk Paint in my work since the early 2000's. I will never forget the first piece I used milk paint on. {this was back in the garage days} It was a huge armoire, and I chose the color: Sea Green. I read the directions about how to mix the paint, but from there...I totally flew by the seat of my pants. I remember the feeling I got when the paint started to flake and peel away from the piece...."yikes! this is not like latex paint in any way"......and then I also remember thinking "just follow it through girl...you got this!" I have been hooked ever since and have painted hundreds of pieces with milk paint. I don't even know how many dollars I have spent on milk paint....but it is A LOT.....and it is worth every penny. I still have mad love for latex paint as well, and use it regularly in my work.....but today we are talking about my new ventures with milk paint.OFMP has been producing milk paint since 1974 right here in the United States of America, and is a family run company. Milk paint is all natural, and environmentally responsible. I love that about this company and product, but even more than that...i can honestly say that after 10 years of using OFMP paint.... I have yet to be disappointed in a finish. I am so comfortable with this product and can stand behind its results 100%.Because of my relationship with this company, and my belief in their product.....I am proud to announce, that starting in February, Knack will be an official OFMP dealer! You know what that means? You all will now be able to scoop up a few bags of powdery goodness anytime you visit the Knack shop! Super cool right?! I will be sure to keep the shelves stocked with all of my favorites....I mean your favorites. {wink!} I am really excited to partner with this great company and continue to create finishes that are authentic and beautiful......and that can only be achieved with milk paint.Upward and onward.xo,Barb{the above images are from the archives....and some of you may remember the oldies but goodies. All courtesy of milk paint}