home run...

...this latest issue of lonny magazine totally blew my socks off! there is so much goodness in this issue....it is going to take me a week to soak it all in....so for now i'll just give you my top four favorites and why:

john derian for target....need i say more!....

....check it out!....so much goodness...i can hardly stand it!...
...cath kidston's take on what a home should look like...
...love, love, love all of the color combos...
...i'll take it all...
...rachel ashwell's reinvention of her brand...i really enjoyed the article, and admired her honesty about what she did right, what she did wrong and how she is doing it better this time.....good read...
...the goods...
...this guy has it going on....and is truly living with what he loves...
...the bike coming off he wall is crazy good...
...and there are so many, many other photos i could post....but i have already been very long winded....so just go check it out.....k?...



this little girlie went to the market...