Found Goodness

 The older I get, the more I value genuine friendships and true friends. I think all of us have experienced those times in our lives where we realize that people we thought were our friends....really were not there when times got tough, hard, or uncomfortable. It is through the hardest of times that we realize how thankful we are for the friends who are willing to stick by us, support us, and love us no matter what.  
There is a quote that I love... "friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can't pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while"...
I am so thankful for my friends, how they have surrounded me and overwhelmed me with love and support .....especially these past several months during the book writing process. I am well loved.....and this little note that I found in my mailbox when I got to the studio on Monday made my heart .......melt.
Here's to the having the best of friends, and being the best friend that we can possibly be to others.


