Fantastic Friday

FridayFlowersgorgeous floral arrangement by Julie Dodds of Willow Florals

Today was a fantastic day...all around. I got my hands so dirty that my fingernails are solid black underneath, I finished my first furniture piece of the new year { I know.... I barely squeaked out one piece this month, but there are good reasons....promise!}, two more pieces are getting freshened up as we speak, and I feel so creatively inspired and challenged right now.The best part of my day though, came when I got a call from my husband saying that he had just been offered a wonderful position with a new company. You see, my husband lost his job 2 weeks before Christmas {yikes!}. It was shocking at first, especially since he had been at the same company for the past 17 years. He started this job, when my now 17 year old son, was just a mere 4 months old. December 19th would have been his 17 year anniversary and he was let go on December 5th. It was a great job, it was a flexible job, and it met our needs. The company went through a buyout and many changes over the last 5 years...and we knew it was a matter of time......but two weeks before Christmas? It was a hard day....let me tell you.....When that phone call came....there was a moment of instant panic, and my heart dropped to my feet... there were tears, not for me, but for my sweet he dealt with his own fear.....and then complete and utter peace. These words: "When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul" flooded my own heart and soul in that moment. The strength that came from this peace, fortified my being with the knowledge that the One who created us knows exactly what is best for us, and He loves us......and everything He does is good.One of the coolest things about being married to this man that I love so dearly is that in times like these....knowing how to love each other and loving each other well  make all the difference in the world. The desire to love someone even more...the desire to pour yourself out completely. Sometimes one of us is strong, sometimes we both are strong....but at all times, we have each other....and that is all that matters. We could smile through every day, plan, dream, be excited about new beginnings, talk about our fears, and look back with great appreciation.We are celebrating this weekend. Celebrating a new start, Celebrating goodness......celebrating family. We will be heading to the mountains tomorrow with our kids and a few of their will be good to get smell the freshness of the earth....and to stretch our limbs and imaginations.See you on Monday....with some {more} exciting news, and a new furniture friend!xo,Barb Blair


A beautiful soft gray desk named Corisande


Choose wisely my friends