Here are just a few shots I captured of my week at Knack:> No. 11 installed on the new storefront! It looks fantastic, and I love that my new landlord is all about the details. These numbers were handmade by a local artist and craftsman....Ryan Calloway.> ASADA taco truck serving lunch every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 - 1:30 in the Pendleton Street Arts District is a dream come true, and one that I have been pining away for ever since my first visit to Imogen and Willie where I met the lovely Mas Taco.> I finished up and delivered a custom chest for one of my awesome clients who has a beautiful 1 week old little girl, and this is the sneak peek of the fantastic nursery. I will have more for you on Monday :}> I saw a revised version of my book cover! I am really excited about what we landed is totally not what I thought it would be, but more than I expected it could be due to the smarty pants at Chronicle books! I am so glad to be working with them! EEEEEE!!Have an awesome weekend!xo,Barb