A gilded desk named "Esperanza"

Esperanza1 Esperanza2 Esperanza3 Esperanza4 Esperanza5This desk is actually a piece I picked up a few weeks ago while out hunting for pieces. It immediately had me in its grasp and I was done for. The beefy size, the tall tapered legs, the deep drawers and drawer insets just begged me to re imagine this situation.I wanted to go a bit understated and masculine... while at the same time adding a bit of beauty and grace. The perfect juxtaposition for me. I achieved this mix by adding in the gold leaf and giant glass knobs.She is so beautiful to me, and she is one of those pieces that I bought knowing exactly what I would do with her. She didn't sit and wait on the work room floor until I developed a plan for her....her plan was set in stone when I loaded her in the back of my car.I was excited to start her, and couldn't wait to finish her, and those are always my favorites.Esperanza is available for sale on the shop floor at Knack, and will be available online when I have some time to get all of the new pieces listed......Have a great Monday!xo,Barb




Less is always more